
Sunday, October 9, 2011

hello fall:)

Fall has definitely arrived in Atlanta, and the weather has been absolutely gorgeous! High 60's to low 80's during the day, sunny, and a crisp breeze:) I can handle that (although I do miss the pool days!). Well my weekly updates are turning more to monthly updates, but I guess being busy is a good thing right?! I cannot believe it is October already...time is flying by, but always fun as it passes:)

I think I left off with Labor Day weekend, and after all my crazy travels, I was in need of a rest weekend, especially because I all of the sudden started to come down with a cold...which is no fun. I think the freezing AC at work does not really help my cause. That Saturday I was bummed to miss an outing to Lake Lanier with some friends from work, but it paid off because I was feeling SO much better by Monday. Chilling at the pool, with a good book in the sun did me well:)

One evening next week I went to "Cocktails in the Gardens" with a friend at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens. It was a really neat event, and packed! I had no idea that was the place to be on a Thursday night haha. I also started up with a kickball league that plays Sunday afternoons in Piedmont park. I wasn't really sure what to expect, but it is AWESOME. Simply stated. And I love my team...they are all fantastic and so much's been a great way to meet new people and feed our competitive sides as well! We're pretty good too...I had no idea that there is strategy in Kickball...but there is. Good thing they help me out haha.

Cocktails in the Gardens

The next weekend I was a little more energized to get out on the town. It was my friend Jenni's birthday that Friday, so I met up with a group of people at Ormsby's for dinner and hanging out. This is the bar with all of the games (bocce ball, pool, air hockey, etc), so you definitely stay entertained. I played a game of Skee-ball for the first time in forever...gotta love it, but I do need some practice haha. Saturday I met up with other friends (and made new ones!) for a BBQ and football many great games on these weekends, I love it! Sunday brought another game of kickball (tally one for the W column:), some hot yoga (which I am sooo out of practice), brunch at this great cafe called Parish's, browsing booths at the Piedmont Art Fest, a get together with some work friends and fellow MN fans to watch the Vikings game, evening mass, and some cooking for the week! Full day, but great day:)

Egg "muffins" I tried for the first time...turned out pretty good! 
Nice for a quick breakfast when I am running late:)

I usually am not too adventurous during the week, with having to get up so early for work everyday, but I made an exception this week for a concert. I got to see Foster the People at the Masquerade with a friend, Tut, and it was AMAZING! They had a huge lawn space and outdoor stage hidden behind the venue, and the band was incredible live. The song "Pumped up Kicks" on the radio hardly does them justice. To avoid the traffic rush right after the concert, we ventured to Carroll Street Cafe - a great little place hidden on a narrow neighborhood street, and got some (decaf) coffee. On the way we passed through this new park area built in Inman park that had a huge pond and fountain, all lit up, with walkways over the water and tons of greenery - it was gorgeous. All in all, well worth a late night!

 Foster the People concert
 The park
The park again (photos don't do it justice!)

The next weekend marked my first trip back to Minnesota since moving down to Atlanta! So that was exciting of course. I joined my fam, aunt and uncle, and family friend for a late dinner at Axel's on Grand, and then my tired little self just went to bed haha. Quite the party animal I know. BUT I had to get rested for the big Griak cross country meet the next day! That took up most of the day, and I got to see awesome performances by both Kev and Laura! So fun, and so proud of them:) I headed off to Wilson's home for a cross country family potluck at his barn, got to hang with Laura a little at her apartment (and warm up too! it was cold!), and caught up with Marisa after! Yay:) Sunday I was in no rush to head back to Atlanta. I got to enjoy a great 5 mile run with Mom and Dad on my favorite Summit Ave boulevard that morning (longest run since my surgery at the time!). Then mass with the fam, and coffee afterwards at our friends, the Bard's, newly opened Claddagh Coffee was my first time there and I loved it! Such a cute place, with exposed brick walls, an additional seating area with couches downstairs, gluten free treats (!), and of course great coffee. The whole family went on a nice walk after since it was such a great day outside, so that was fun to chat and catch up:) I left for Atlanta that evening, and had a smooth trip back by way of Chicago.

Claddagh Coffee Cafe

During the work week, I enjoyed some nice lunches with co-workers (Cathy, Jaime, Deanna, Leann...just to name a few), as it is always great to chat and sit outside for a bit! I also got to run with with a friend, Nisha, in Piedmont Park one evening, and then had dinner after at nearby Jason's Deli...such a nice time! Another activity I recently took up thanks to a Living Social deal, is CrossFit. It's right by work, so super convenient, and a great workout! I needed some sort of motivation to help get me stronger again, after all my time off with my surgery. This leaves me sore and pretty exhausted, but I like it a lot! Plus, the people there are great.

Last weekend I got to welcome Grandpa Docherty to Atlanta! He was passing through on his way to his two ship reunions from WWII, so I took him out to dinner at the restaurant Wisteria in the Inman Park area. I had never been there before, but the food and service was wonderful! They even had a gluten free menu for Grandpa (another Celiac) and I. We enjoyed a wonderful two hour conversation before I took him to meet my Uncle Dave, who would bring him the rest of the way. I then made a quick stop at home on my way to the (surprise)....airport! I decided to take a last minute trip to Chicago to watch Danny and the Iowa Hawkeye girls race the next morning. Dad picked me up at the airport, and I stayed downtown that night with my fam. I had a nice (but windy!) walk Saturday morning with Mom along the lakefront, and great breakfast too! Then off to the race, where I got to surprise Danny, since he didn't know I was coming. He gave a great effort, and was fun to cheer on:) It was also great to catch up with some former teammates! After we chilled at a local bar/restaurant, and then I got to quick see Danny's new apartment before I had to head to the airport. I was pretty tired, so decided to head home then instead of having to get up early Sunday morning. I got in early enough to have a late dinner, watch some tv/football, and get a good night's sleep:) We continued our undefeated streak in Kickball the next day, and I also stopped by a grill out at a co-workers house right near the to enjoy some Sangria too...took me back to my Spain days!

The restaurant Wisteria

I had a few more weeknight outings this past week, when I went to see the Broadway play Wicked at the Fox theater with my friend Steph, and it was AMAZING! I want the soundtrack so bad haha. I also had a nice dinner with some Iowa MBA alums, hosted by the career services team that was in town for a big career fair. It was held at the restaurant Two Urban Licks, which is in a really neat renovated warehouse, and had great food too. Friday night I met up with some friends from work at the Irish pub Ri Ra, and from there "hopped" around a little, checking out the new club reign (unfortunately disappointing), and then to Cosmo Lava, which was fun but didn't quite fulfill our search for a good dance party. Another time I guess! I kept busy the rest of the weekend with some apartment cleaning, cooking, yoga (that kicked my butt! dang), a massage (yay! I was so tight haha), church (checked out a new one and really liked it!), a trail run (first in Atlanta!), and kickball, where we suffered our first lost in a tight 1-0 game that came down to the last inning:( Definitely intense. You seriously should witness this game.

 The inside of Two Urban Licks
 At Ri Ra with the Delta girls! (Priyanka, Diane, and Cathy)
Cosmo Lava with Pilar and Jared
Trail along the Chattahoochee River...awesome crushed gravel, wide, and lots of activity!

And now...I am hoping to finish this (long, I apologize) post so I can get to bed! Love my sleep:) And need it too!

Til next time...

xo Jennie

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